from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from polls.models import Vote, Poll, Option class PollDetailsTests( TestCase, ): def fresh_user_logged_in( self, ): test_user = User.objects.create_user( "test", password="test", ) self.client.force_login( test_user, ) return test_user def create_poll_with_questions( self, questions=3, ): poll = Poll.objects.create( question="Testing Question", ) for i in range(questions): Option.objects.create( poll=poll, text=f"Option #{i}", ) return poll def test_shows_options_if_not_voted( self, ): """ If test user has not yet voted, options should be shown """ self.fresh_user_logged_in() poll = self.create_poll_with_questions() response = self.client.get( reverse( "poll-details", kwargs={ "poll_id":, } ), ) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, 200, ) self.assertContains( response, "Select from one of the following options:", ) options = Option.objects.filter( poll=poll, ) self.assertQuerySetEqual( response.context["options"], options, ) def test_shows_results_if_voted( self, ): """ If test user has already voted, results should be shown """ test_user = self.fresh_user_logged_in() poll = self.create_poll_with_questions() options = Option.objects.filter( poll=poll, ) Vote.objects.create( poll=poll, option=options[0], user=test_user, ) response = self.client.get( reverse( "poll-details", kwargs={ "poll_id":, } ), ) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, 200, ) self.assertNotContains( response, "Select from one of the following options:", ) self.assertContains( response, "Review the poll results below", ) def test_re_voting_doesnt_change_votes( self, ): """ If test user has already voted, voting again should not change anything """ test_user = self.fresh_user_logged_in() poll = self.create_poll_with_questions() options = Option.objects.filter( poll=poll, ) Vote.objects.create( poll=poll, option=options[0], user=test_user, ) self.assertEqual( Vote.objects.count(), 1, ) response = reverse( "cast-vote", kwargs={ "poll_id":, "option_id": options[1].pk, } ), ) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, 200, ) self.assertEqual( Vote.objects.count(), 1, ) def test_unauthenticated_user_cant_vote( self, ): """ If an unauthenticated user tries to vote it should fail """ poll = self.create_poll_with_questions() options = Option.objects.filter( poll=poll, ) self.assertEqual( Vote.objects.count(), 0, ) response = reverse( "cast-vote", kwargs={ "poll_id":, "option_id": options[0].pk, } ), ) self.assertNotEqual( response.status_code, 200, ) self.assertEqual( Vote.objects.count(), 0, )